When you visit us at here.fm, you'll be prompted with the login screen. You'll see 4 login options:
- Sign in with Google
- The sign-in with google option lets you sign up with a google account. You can sign in this way with any Google email and password.
- When you click "Sign in with Google" you'll be taken to this screen to sign up with your email and password:
- Sign in with Email
- This option lets you log in or sign up with any email from any account including emails outside of Google (non-gmail accounts).
- Once you select this option, you'll be prompted to sign up with your email and password. If you forgot your password, select the Forgot Password? link. This article discusses what to do when you forget your password.
- Sign in with Apple
- This option allows you to sign up with your Apple ID and password.
- If you're on a Mac or iPhone, this may be an easier option as it allows you to log in with Touch or Face ID.
- Sign in with Phone
- This option allows you to sign up with your phone number
- After entering your number, you’ll receive a text message code and will after be prompted to enter the code during the sign in process.
- Learn more about Phone Verification here